=== Read More Without Refresh === Contributors: gkouvousisg Donate link: https://8web.gr/en/ Tags: modal, javascript, read more, read less Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 5.9 Stable tag: 2.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Auto-boost your SEO with 100% crawlable by Search Engines, hidden content! Readers will be able to expand more content without refreshing the page, simply after a button click. == Description ==

So you want to show more content but not affect users experience?

I got you covered!

My plugin hides the predefined text, through a shortcode and based on your choice, leaving the remaining one visible to the search engines.

Your readers will be also able to read more content by pressing the 'Read More' button, without having the page reloaded.

Once you press "Read more" button, it will expand. They will also be able to hide it again by pressing the same button, which would have been converted to 'Read less'.

It works via a shortcode and can be placed everywhere!

You can change its colors through its settings menu!

Simple usage: [read more] Your long text [/read]

Feel free to try its frontend demo here, to take a look at this YouTube videocast or to verify its Gutenberg compatibility.

== Installation ==

All you have to do is upload the plugin within your Wordpress Plugins menu and activate it.

Then, you can add the shortcode everywhere you want (pages, posts, widgets etc):

[read more] Your hidden text here [/read]

You can, of course, change "Read more" and "Read less" texts to your preferred one, along with other settings in 'RMWF Settings' wp-admin menu page.

In case that you have any support inquiries, feel free to contact me.

== Frequently Asked Questions == = Is it complatible with every WordPress version? = Yes it is! = What about Gutenberg compatibility? = Yes it works! == Screenshots == 1. Read More button Deactivated 2. Read More button Activated (after click) 3. Wp-admin settings page == Changelog == = 0.1 = * Initial release. = 1.0 = * Bug fixes. = 2.0 = * Compatibility fixes. = 2.2 = * Bug fixes. = 2.3 = * Warning fixes. = 3.0 = * Dynamic settings integrated. = 3.1 = * Fixed reported warnings.