=== GravityView === Tags: gravity forms, directory, gravity forms directory Requires at least: 4.7 Tested up to: 5.8 Requires PHP: 5.6.30 Stable tag: trunk Contributors: The GravityView Team License: GPL 3 or higher Beautifully display and edit your Gravity Forms entries. == Description == Beautifully display your Gravity Forms entries. Learn more on [gravityview.co](https://gravityview.co). == Installation == 1. Upload plugin files to your plugins folder, or install using WordPress' built-in Add New Plugin installer 2. Activate the plugin 3. Follow the instructions == Changelog == = 2.13.4 on November 4, 2021 = * Fixed: View scripts and styles would not load when manually outputting the contents of the `[gravityview]` shortcode __Developer Updates:__ * Added: `gravityview/shortcode/before-processing` action that runs before the GravityView shortcode is processed * Added: `gravityview/edit_entry/cancel_onclick` filter to modify the "Back" link `onclick` HTML attribute - Modified: `/includes/extensions/edit-entry/partials/form-buttons.php` file to add the filter = 2.13.3 on October 14, 2021 = * Fixed: Edit Entry would not accept zero as a value for a Number field marked as required * Modified: Refined the capabilities assigned to GravityView support when access is granted using TrustedLogin. Now our support will be able to debug theme-related issues and use the [Code Snippets](https://wordpress.org/plugins/code-snippets/) plugin. = 2.13.2 on October 7, 2021 = * Fixed: Entry Approval not working when using DataTables in responsive mode (requires DataTables 2.4.9 or newer). __Developer Updates:__ * Updated: Upgraded to [Fancybox 4](https://fancyapps.com/docs/ui/fancybox). * Updated: [TrustedLogin Client](https://github.com/trustedlogin/client) to Version 1.0.2. * Modified: Added Code Snippets CSS file to No Conflict allow list. * Modified: Moved internal (but public) method `GravityView_Admin_ApproveEntries::process_bulk_action` to new `GravityView_Bulk_Actions` class. = 2.13.1 on September 27, 2021 = * Improved: Views now load faster due to improved template caching. * Added: Ability to configure an "Admin Label" for Custom Content widgets. This makes it easier to see your widget configuration a glance. * Fixed: Issue where non-support users may see a "Revoke TrustedLogin" admin bar link. = 2.13 on September 23, 2021 = * Added: Integrated with TrustedLogin, the easiest & most secure way to grant access to your website. [Learn more about TrustedLogin](https://www.trustedlogin.com/about/easy-and-safe/). - Need to share access with support? Click the new "Grant Support Access" link in the "Views" menu. = 2.12.1 on September 1, 2021 = * Fixed: The Gravity Forms widget in the View editor would always use the source form of the View * Fixed: The field picker didn't use available translations * Fixed: Importing [exported Views](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/119-importing-and-exporting-configured-views) failed when Custom Content or [DIY Layout](https://gravityview.co/extensions/diy-layout/) fields included line breaks. * Fixed: When first installing GravityView, the message was for an invalid license instead of inactive. * Fixed: The "Affiliate ID" setting would not toggle properly when loading GravityView settings. [P.S. — Become an affiliate and earn money referring GravityView!](https://gravityview.co/account/affiliates/#about-the-program) * Tweak: Changed the icon of the Presets preview = 2.12 on July 29, 2021 = * Fixed: Add latest Yoast SEO scripts to the No-Conflict approved list * Fixed: Updating an entry with a multi-file upload field may erase existing contents when using Gravity Forms 2.5.8 = 2.11 on July 15, 2021 = * Added: Settings to customize "Update", "Cancel", and "Delete" button text in Edit Entry * Improved: Much better Gravity Forms Survey Add-On integration! [Learn more in the release announcement](https://gravityview.co/gravityview-2-11/). - Ratings can be displayed as text or stars - Multi-row Likert fields can be shown as Text or Score - Improved display of a single row from a multi-row Likert field - Single checkbox inputs are now supported * Improved: Search widget clear/reset button behavior * Improved: Allow unassigning an entry's Entry Creator when editing an entry * Improved: When editing an entry, clicking the "Cancel" button will take you to the prior browser page rather than a specific URL * Improved: Conditionally update "Clear Search" button text in the Search Bar * Fixed: When Time fields were submitted with a single `0` for hour and minute inputs, instead of displaying midnight (`0:0`), it would display the current time * Fixed: Delete Entry links did not work when custom entry slugs were enabled * Fixed: Editing an entry in Gravity Forms that was created by a logged-out user forced an entry to be assigned to a user * Fixed: Missing download/delete icons for file upload field in Edit Entry when running Gravity Forms ≥ * Fixed: A broken German translation file caused a fatal error (only for the `de_DE` localization) * Updated: Dutch translation (thanks René S.!) and German translation (thanks Aleksander K-W.!) __Developer Updates:__ * Added: `gravityview/template/field/survey/glue` filter to modify how the multi-row Likert field values are combined. Default: `; ` * Modified: `templates/deprecated/fields/time.php` and `templates/fields/field-time-html.php` to include the commented `strtotime()` check * Modified: `includes/extensions/edit-entry/partials/form-buttons.php` to add Cancel button enhancements * Fixed: `gravityview/search/sieve_choices` didn't filter by Created By * Fixed: `\GV\Utils::get()` didn't properly support properties available using PHP magic methods. Now supports overriding using the `__isset()` magic method. * Updated: EDD auto-updates library to version 1.8 = on June 2, 2021 = * Improved: Loading of plugin dependencies * Fixed: Field's required attribute was ignored in certain scenarios when using Edit Entry = on May 27, 2021 = * Fixed: The "delete file" button was transparent in Edit Entry when running Gravity Forms 2.5 or newer * Security enhancements = 2.10.3 on May 20, 2021 = * Added: Support for the [All in One SEO](https://wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/) plugin * Fixed: GravityView styles and scripts not loading when embedding View as a block shortcode in GeneratePress * Fixed: PHP notice appearing when a translation file is not available for the chosen locale * Fixed: Search clear button disappearing when using GravityView Maps layout __Developer Updates:__ * Added: `gravityview/fields/custom/form` filter to modify form used as the source for View entries * Added: `gravityview/fields/custom/entry` filter to modify entry being displayed = on April 19, 2021 = * Improved: Previous fix for an issue that affected HTML rendering of some posts and pages = on April 13, 2021 = * Fixed: Issue introduced in Version 2.10.2 that affected HTML rendering of some posts and pages * Fixed: Undefined function error for sites running WordPress 4.x introduced in Version 2.10.2 = 2.10.2 on April 12, 2021 = * Fixed: Using the GravityView shortcode inside a [reusable block](https://wordpress.org/news/2021/02/gutenberg-tutorial-reusable-blocks/) in the WordPress Editor would prevent CSS and JavaScript from loading * Fixed: "Open in new tab/window" checkbox is missing from Link to Single Entry and Link to Edit Entry links * Fixed: Searching while on a paginated search result fails; it shows no entries because the page number isn't removed * Fixed: Sorting by Entry ID resulted in a MySQL error = 2.10.1 on March 31, 2021 = * Added: Allow comparing multiple values when using `[gvlogic]` shortcode - Use `&&` to match all values `[gvlogic if="abc" contains="a&&b"]` - Use `||` to match any values `[gvlogic if="abc" equals="abc||efg"]` * Added: `{site_url}` Merge Tag that returns the current site URL. This can be helpful when migrating sites or deploying from staging to live. * Fixed: Paragraph fields have a "Link to single entry" field setting, even though it doesn't make sense * Fixed: PDF and Text files were not opened in a lightbox * Fixed: Show File Upload files as links if they aren't an image, audio, or video file (like a .zip, .txt, or .pdf file) * Fixed: Lightbox script was being loaded for Views even if it was not being used * Fixed: Don't show the icon for the "Source URL" field in the View editor * Fixed: Change Entry Creator not working properly on non-English sites * Updated _so many translations_! Thank you to all the translators! - Arabic translation (thanks Salman!) - Dutch translation (thanks Desiree!) - Russian translation (thanks Victor S.!) - Romanian (thanks Cazare!) - Chinese (thanks Edi Weigh!) - Turkish (thanks Süha!) - Swedish (thanks Adam!) - Portuguese (thanks Luis and Rafael!) - Dutch (thanks Erik!) - Norwegian (thanks Aleksander!) - Italian (thanks Clara!) - Hungarian (thanks dbalage!) - Hebrew - French - Canadian French (thanks Nicolas!) - Finnish (thanks Jari!) - Iranian (thanks amir!) - Mexican Spanish (thanks Luis!) - Spanish (thanks Joaquin!) - German (thanks Hubert!) - Danish (thanks Lisbeth!) - Bosnian (thanks Damir!) - Bengali (thanks Akter!) = 2.10 on March 9, 2021 = * A beautiful visual refresh for the View editor! - Brand new field picker for more easily creating your View - Visually see when Single Entry and Edit Entry layouts haven't been configured - See at a glance which fields link to Single Entry and Edit Entry - Manage and activate layouts from the View editor - Added: Show a notice when "Show only approve entries" setting is enabled for a View and no entries are displayed because of the setting - Added: Custom Content now supports syntax highlighting, making it much easier to write HTML (to disable, click on the Users sidebar menu, select Profile. Check the box labeled "Disable syntax highlighting when editing code" and save your profile) - Added: Warning when leaving Edit View screen if there are unsaved changes - Added: See the details of the current field while configuring field settings - Added: "Clear all" link to remove all fields from the View editor at once - Fixed: It was possible to drag and drop a field while the field settings screen was showing. Now it's not! - Fixed: See when fields have been deleted from a form * New: Brand-new lightbox script, now using [Fancybox](http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/3/). It's fast, it's beautiful, and mobile-optimized. - Fixes issue with Gravity Forms images not loading in lightboxes due to secure URLs * Ready for Gravity Forms 2.5! * Added: Better support for the Consent field * Improved layout of the Manage Add-Ons screen - Added a "Refresh" link to the Manage Add-Ons screen. This is helpful if you've upgraded your license and are ready to get started! - Allow enabling/disabling installed add-ons regardless of license status * Added: A dropdown in the "All Views" screen to filter Views by the layout (Table, List, DataTables, DIY, Map, etc.) * Added: Export entries in TSV format by adding `/tsv/` to the View URL * Fixed: Approval Status field contains HTML in CSV and TSV exports * Fixed: Updating an entry associated with an unactivated user (Gravity Forms User Registration) would also change entry creator's information * Fixed: PHP warning `The magic method must have public visibility` appearing in PHP 8.0 * Fixed: PHP notice `Undefined property: stdClass::$icons` appearing on Plugins page * Fixed: "At least one field must be filled out" validation errors (thanks Gravity PDF!) __Developer Updates:__ * New: FancyBox is now being used for the lightbox - Thickbox is no longer used - Modify settings using `gravityview/lightbox/provider/fancybox/settings` - [See options available here](https://fancyapps.com/fancybox/3/docs/#options) - If you prefer, a [Featherlight lightbox option is available](https://github.com/gravityview/gv-snippets/tree/addon/featherlight-lightbox) - Easily add support for your own lightbox script by extending the new `GravityView_Lightbox_Provider` abstract class (the [Featherbox lightbox script](https://github.com/gravityview/gv-snippets/tree/addon/featherlight-lightbox) is a good example). - Modified: Formally deprecated the mis-spelled `gravity_view_lightbox_script` and `gravity_view_lightbox_style` filters in favor of `gravityview_lightbox_script` and `gravityview_lightbox_style` (finally!) - Fixed: `gravityview_lightbox_script` filter wasn't being applied - Removed `gravityview/fields/fileupload/allow_insecure_lightbox` filter, since it's no longer needed * Modified: `$_GET` args are now passed to links by default. - Added: Prevent entry links (single, edit, duplicate) from including $_GET query args by returning false to the filter `gravityview/entry_link/add_query_args` - Added: Prevent entry links being added to *delete* links by returning false to the filter `gravityview/delete-entry/add_query_args` * Added: `gv_get_query_args()` function to return $_GET query args, with reserved args removed - Added: `gravityview/api/reserved_query_args` filter to modify internal reserved URL query args * Added: `field-is_approved-html.php` and `field-is_approved-csv.php` template files for the Is Approved field * Modified: Removed * Modified: `templates/fields/field-entry_link-html.php` template to add `gv_get_query_args()` functionality * Breaking CSS change: Removed `.gv-list-view` CSS class from the List layout container `
`. The CSS class was also used in the looped entry containers, making it hard to style. This issue was introduced in GravityView 2.0. For background, see [the GitHub issue](https://github.com/gravityview/GravityView/issues/1026). = 2.9.4 on January 25, 2021 = * Added: Apply `{get}` merge tag replacements in `[gvlogic]` attributes and content * Modified: Made View Settings changes preparing for a big [Math by GravityView](https://gravityview.co/extensions/math/) update! * Fixed: "Change Entry Creator" would not work with Gravity Forms no-conflict mode enabled __Developer Updates:__ * Added: `gravityview/metaboxes/multiple_entries/after` action to `includes/admin/metabox/views/multiple-entries.php` to allow extending Multiple Entries View settings = 2.9.3 on December 15, 2020 = * Improved: Add search field to the Entry Creator drop-down menu * Tweak: Hide field icons (for now) when editing a View...until our refreshed design is released 😉 * Fixed: Some JavaScript warnings on WordPress 5.6 * Fixed: Uncaught error when one of GravityView's methods is used before WordPress finishes loading * Fixed: Duplicate Entry link would only be displayed to users with an administrator role * Fixed: Search entries by Payment Date would not yield results * Fixed: Lightbox didn't work with secure images * New: New lightbox gallery mode for File Upload fields with Multi-File Upload enabled __Developer Updates:__ * Added: `gravityview/search-trim-input` filter to strip or preserve leading/trailing whitespaces in Search Bar values * Added: Future WordPress version compatibility check * Tweak: Improved logging output * Modified: `gravityview_date_created_adjust_timezone` default is now set to false (use UTC value) = on October 26, 2020 = * Improved: Plugin license information layout when running Gravity Forms 2.5 * Fixed: View Settings overflow their container (introduced in 2.9.2) = 2.9.2 on October 21, 2020 = * Added: GravityView is now 100% compatible with upcoming [Gravity Forms 2.5](https://www.gravityforms.com/gravity-forms-2-5-beta-2/)! * Added: New View setting to redirect users to a custom URL after deleting an entry * Added: An option to display "Powered by GravityView" link under your Views. If you're a [GravityView affiliate](https://gravityview.co/account/affiliate/), you can earn 20% of sales generated from your link! * Improved: Duplicate Entry field is only visible for logged-in users with edit or duplicate entry permissions * Modified: Remove HTML from Website and Email fields in CSV output * Fixed: Possible fatal error when Gravity Forms is inactive * Fixed: Export of View entries as a CSV would result in a 404 error on some hosts * Fixed: Entries filtered by creation date using relative dates (e.g., "today", "-1 day") did not respect WordPress's timezone offset * Fixed: Partial entries edited in GravityView were being duplicated * Fixed: Trying to activate a license disabled due to a refund showed an empty error message * Tweak: Improvements to tooltip behavior in View editor * Tweak: When "Make Phone Number Clickable" is checked, disable the "Link to single entry" setting in Phone field settings * Tweak: Don't show "Open links in new window" for Custom Content field * Tweak: Removed "Open link in the same window?" setting from Website field - Note: For existing Views, if both "Open link in the same window?" and "Open link in a new tab or window?" settings were checked, the link will now _not open in a new tab_. We hope no one had them both checked; this would have caused a rift in space-time and a room full of dark-matter rainbows. __Developer Updates:__ * Added brand-new unit testing and acceptance testing...stay tuned for a write-up on how to easily run the GravityView test suite * Changed: `/templates/fields/field-website-html.php` and `/templates/deprecated/fields/website.php` to use new `target=_blank` logic * Fixed: License key activation when `GRAVITYVIEW_LICENSE_KEY` was defined * Deprecated: Never used method `GravityView_Delete_Entry::set_entry()` = 2.9.1 on September 1, 2020 = * Improved: Changed the Support Port icon & text to make it clearer * Updated: Updater script now handles WordPress 5.5 auto-updates * Fixed: Add Yoast SEO 14.7 scripts to the No-Conflict approved list * Fixed: Available Gravity Forms forms weren't appearing in the Gravity Forms widget when configuring a View __Developer Updates:__ * Improved: Gravity Forms 2.5 beta support * Fixed: Issue when server doesn't support `GLOB_BRACE` * Fixed: Removed references to non-existent source map files = on July 23, 2020 = * Fixed: Loading all Gravity Forms forms on the frontend * Fixes Map Icons field not working * Fixes conflict with gAppointments and Gravity Perks * Fixed: Fatal error when Gravity Forms is inactive = 2.9 on July 16, 2020 = * Added: A "Gravity Forms" widget to easily embed a form above and below a View * Added: Settings for changing the "No Results" text and "No Search Results" text * Added: "Date Updated" field to field picker and sorting options * Modified: When clicking the "GravityView" link in the Admin Toolbar, go to GravityView settings * Improved: Add new Yoast SEO plugin scripts to the No-Conflict approved list * Improved: Add Wicked Folders plugin scripts to the No-Conflict approved list * Fixed: Don't allow sorting by the Duplicate field * Fixed: Multi-site licenses not being properly shared with single sites when GravityView is not Network Activated * Fixed: Potential fatal error for Enfold theme __Developer Updates:__ * Fixed: Settings not able to be saved when using the `GRAVITYVIEW_LICENSE_KEY` constant * Fixed: License not able to be activated when using the `GRAVITYVIEW_LICENSE_KEY` constant * Fixed: Potential PHP warning when using the `{created_by}` Merge Tag * Modified: Added index of the current file in the loop to the `gravityview/fields/fileupload/file_path` filter = 2.8.1 on April 22, 2020 = * Added: Better inline documentation for View Settings * Improved: When clicking "Add All Form Fields" in the "+ Add Field" picker * Modified: Changed default settings for new Views to "Show only approved entries" * Modified: When adding a field to a table-based layout, "+ Add Field" now says "+ Add Column" * Fixed: Single Entry "Hide empty fields" not working in Table and DataTables layouts = 2.8 on April 16, 2020 = * Added: User Fields now has many more options, including avatars, first and last name combinations, and more * Added: A new [Gravatar (Globally Recognized Avatar)](https://en.gravatar.com) field * Added: "Display as HTML" option for Paragraph fields - By default, safe HTML will be shown. If disabled, only text will be shown. * Added: Support for Gravity Forms Partial Entries Add-On. When editing an entry, the entry's "Progress" will now be updated. * Modified: Sort forms by title in Edit View, rather than Date Created (thanks, Rochelle!) * Modified: The [`{created_by}` Merge Tag](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/281-the-createdby-merge-tag) * When an entry was created by a logged-out user, `{created_by}` will now show details for a logged-out user (ID `0`), instead of returning an unmodified Merge Tag * When `{created_by}` is passed without any modifiers, it now will return the ID of the user who created the entry * Fixed PHP warning when `{created_by}` Merge Tag was passed without any modifiers * Fixed: The "Single Entry Title" setting was not working properly * Fixed: Recent Entries widget filters not being applied * Updated translations: Added Formal German translation (thanks, Felix K!) and updated Polish translation (thanks, Dariusz!) __Developer Updates:__ * Added: `gravityview/fields/textarea/allow_html` filter to toggle whether Paragraph field output should allow HTML or should be sanitized with `esc_html()` * Added: `gravityview/field/created_by/name_display` filter for custom User Field output. * Added: `gravityview/field/created_by/name_display/raw` allow raw (unescaped) output for `gravityview/field/created_by/name_display`. * Added: `gravityview/fields/gravatar/settings` filter to modify the new Gravatar field's settings * Added: `gravityview/search/sieve_choices` filter in Version 2.5 that enables only showing choices in the Search Bar that exist in entries ([learn more about this filter](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/701-show-choices-that-exist)) * Modified: `gravityview_get_forms()` and `GVCommon::get_forms()` have new `$order_by` and `$order` parameters (Thanks, Rochelle!) * Fixed: `gravityview/edit_entry/user_can_edit_entry` and `gravityview/capabilities/allow_logged_out` were not reachable in Edit Entry and Delete Entry since Version 2.5 = 2.7.1 on February 24, 2020 = * Fixed: Fatal error when viewing entries using WPML or Social Sharing & SEO extensions = 2.7 on February 20, 2020 = * Added: "Enable Edit Locking" View setting to toggle on and off entry locking (in the "Edit Entry" tab of the View Settings) * Fixed: Broken Toolbar link to Gravity Forms' entry editing while editing an entry in GravityView * Fixed: PHP undefined index when editing an entry with empty File Upload field * Fixed: When adding a field in the View Configuration, the browser window would resize __Developer Updates:__ * Modified: The way Hidden Fields are rendered in Edit Entry no fields are configured. [Read what has changed around Hidden Fields](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/678-edit-entry-hidden-fields-field-visibility#timeline) * Fixed: Rendering Hidden Fields as `input=hidden` when no fields are configured in Edit Entry (fixing a regression in 2.5) * Modified: The default value for the `gravityview/edit_entry/reveal_hidden_field` filter is now `false` * Added: `gravityview/edit_entry/render_hidden_field` filter to modify whether to render Hidden Field HTML in Edit Entry (default: `true`) * Modified: Changed `GravityView_Edit_Entry_Locking::enqueue_scripts()` visibility to protected = 2.6 on February 12, 2020 = * Added: Implement Gravity Forms Entry Locking - see when others are editing an entry at the same time ([learn more](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/676-entry-locking)) * Added: Easily duplicate entries in Gravity Forms using the new "Duplicate" link in Gravity Forms Entries screen ([read how](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/675-duplicate-gravity-forms-entry)) * Improved: Speed up loading of Edit View screen * Improved: Speed of adding fields in the View Configuration screen * Modified: Reorganized some settings to be clearer * Fixed: Potential fatal error when activating extensions with GravityView not active * Updated: Russian translation (thank you, Victor S!) __Developer Updates:__ * Added: `gravityview/duplicate/backend/enable` filter to disable adding a "Duplicate" link for entries * Added: `gravityview/request/is_renderable` filter to modify what request classes represent valid GravityView requests * Added: `gravityview/widget/search/form/action` filter to change search submission URL as needed * Added: `gravityview/entry-list/link` filter to modify Other Entries links as needed * Added: `gravityview/edit/link` filter to modify Edit Entry link as needed * Fixed: A rare issue where a single entry is prevented from displaying with Post Category filters * Modified: Important! `gravityview_get_entry()` and `GVCommon::get_entry()` require a View object as the fourth parameter. While the View will be retrieved from the context if the parameter is missing, it's important to supply it. * Modified: `GVCommon::check_entry_display` now requires a View object as the second parameter. Not passing it will return an error. * Modified: `gravityview/common/get_entry/check_entry_display` filter has a third View parameter passed from `GVCommon::get_entry` * Modified: Bumped future minimum Gravity Forms version to 2.4 = 2.5.1 on December 14, 2019 = * Modified: "Show Label" is now off by default for non-table layouts * Improved: The View Configuration screen has been visually simplified. Fewer borders, larger items, and rounder corners. * Accessibility improvements. Thanks to [Rian Rietveld](https://rianrietveld.com) and Gravity Forms for their support. - Color contrast ratios now meet [Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0](https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/) recommendations - Converted links that act as buttons to actual buttons - Added keyboard navigation support for "Add Field" and "Add Widget" pickers - Auto-focus the field search field when Add Field is opened - Improved Search Bar HTML structure for a better screen reader experience - Added ARIA labels for Search Bar configuration buttons - Improved touch target size and spacing for Search Bar add/remove field buttons * Fixed: "Search All" with Multiple Forms plugin now works as expected in both "any" and "all" search modes. __Developer Updates:__ * Added: `gravityview_lightbox_script` and `gravityview_lightbox_style` filters. * Deprecated: `gravity_view_lightbox_script` and `gravity_view_lightbox_style` filters. Use `gravityview_lightbox_script` and `gravityview_lightbox_style` instead. = 2.5 on December 5, 2019 = This is a **big update**! Lots of improvements and fixes. #### All changes: * **GravityView now requires WordPress 4.7 or newer.** * Added: A new "Duplicate Entry" allows you to duplicate entries from the front-end * View Configuration * Added: You can now add labels for Custom Content in the View editor (this helps keep track of many Custom Content fields at once!) * Modified: New Views will be created with a number of default widgets preset * Fixed: View configuration could be lost when the "Update" button was clicked early in the page load or multiple times rapidly * Fixed: Some users were unable to edit a View, although having the correct permissions * Improved CSV output * Modified: Multiple items in exported CSVs are now separated by a semicolon instead of new line. This is more consistent with formatting from other services. * Fixed: Checkbox output in CSVs will no longer contain HTML by default * Fixed: Textarea (Paragraph) output in CSVs will no longer contain `
` tags by default * Edit Entry * Added: Directly embed the Edit Entry screen using the shortcode `[gventry edit="1"]` * Fixed: Editing an entry with Approve/Disapprove field hidden would disapprove an unapproved entry * Fixed: Field visibility when editing entries. Hidden fields remain hidden unless explicitly allowed via field configuration. * Fixed: Hidden calculation fields were being recalculated on Edit Entry * Sorting and Search * Fixed: User sorting does not work when the `[gravityview]` shortcode defines a sorting order * Fixed: Proper sorting capabilities for Time and Date fields * Fixed: Page Size widget breaks when multiple search filters are set * Fixed: Page Size widget resets itself when a search is performed * [Multiple Forms](https://gravityview.co/extensions/multiple-forms/) fixes * Fixed: Global search not working with joined forms * Fixed: Custom Content fields now work properly with Multiple Forms * Fixed: [Gravity PDF](https://gravitypdf.com) support with Multiple Forms plugin and Custom Content fields * Fixed: Entry Link, Edit Link and Delete Link URLs may be incorrect with some Multiple Forms setups * Integrations * Added: "Show as score" setting for Gravity Forms Survey fields * Added: Support for [Gravity Forms Pipe Add-On](https://www.gravityforms.com/add-ons/pipe-video-recording/) * Added: Track the number of pageviews entries get by using the new `[gv_pageviews]` shortcode integration with the lightweight [Pageviews](https://pageviews.io/) plugin * Fixed: [GP Nested Forms](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gravity-forms-nested-forms/) compatibility issues * Fixed: PHP warnings appeared when searching Views for sites running GP Populate Anything with "Default" permalinks enabled * Improved: When a View is embedded on a post or page with an incompatible URL Slug, show a warning ([read more](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/659-reserved-urls)) * Fixed: Number field decimal precision formatting not being respected * Fixed: Lifetime licenses showed "0" instead of "Unlimited" sites available * Updated: Polish translation (Thanks, Dariusz!) __Developer Updates:__ * Added: `[gventry edit="1"]` mode where edit entry shortcodes can be used now (experimental) * Added: `gravityview/template/field/csv/glue` filter to modify the glue used to separate multiple values in the CSV export (previously "\n", now default is ';') * Added: `gravityview/shortcodes/gventry/edit/success` filter to modify [gventry] edit success message * Added: `gravityview/search/sieve_choices` filter that sieves Search Widget field filter choices to only ones that have been used in entries (a UI is coming soon) * Added: `gravityview/search/filter_details` filter for developers to modify search filter configurations * Added: `gravityview/admin/available_fields` filter for developers to add their own assignable fields to View configurations * Added: `gravityview/features/paged-edit` A super-secret early-bird filter to enable multiple page forms in Edit Entry * Added: `$form_id` parameter for the `gravityview_template_$field_type_options` filter * Added: `gravityview/security/require_unfiltered_html` filter now has 3 additional parameters: `user_id`, `cap` and `args`. * Added: `gravityview/gvlogic/atts` filter for `[gvlogic]` * Added: `gravityview/edit_entry/page/success` filter to alter the message between edit entry pages. * Added: `gravityview/approve_entries/update_unapproved_meta` filter to modify entry update approval status. * Added: `gravityview/search/searchable_fields/whitelist` filter to modify allowed URL-based searches. * Fixed: Some issues with `unfiltered_html` user capabilities being not enough to edit a View * Fixed: Partial form was being passed to `gform_after_update_entry` filter after editing an entry. Full form will now be passed. * Fixed: Widget form IDs would not change when form ID is changed in the View Configuration screen * Fixed: Intermittent `[gvlogic2]` and nested `else` issues * The `[gvlogic]` shortcode has been rewritten for more stable, stateless behavior * Fixed: `GravityView_Entry_Notes::get_notes()` can return null; cast `$notes` as an array in `templates/fields/field-notes-html.php` and `includes/extensions/entry-notes/fields/notes.php` template files * Fixed: Prevent error logs from filling with "union features not supported" * Modified: Cookies will no longer be set for Single Entry back links * Modified: Default 250px `image_width` setting for File Upload images is now easily overrideable * Removed: The `gravityview/gvlogic/parse_atts/after` action is no longer available. See `gravityview/gvlogic/atts` filter instead * Removed: The `GVLogic_Shortcode` class is now a lifeless stub. See `\GV\Shortcodes\gvlogic`. * Deprecated: `gravityview_get_current_view_data` — use the `\GV\View` API instead = on August 27, 2019 = * Fixed: Inconsistent sorting behavior for Views using Table layouts * Fixed: Searching all fields not searching Multi Select fields * Fixed: Error activating GravityView when Gravity Forms is disabled * Fixed: "Getting Started" and "List of Changes" page layouts in WordPress 5.3 * Fixed: Don't show error messages twice when editing a View with a missing form * Tweak: Don't show "Create a View" on trashed forms action menus = 2.4 on July 17, 2019 = **We tightened security by limiting who can edit Views. [Read how to grant Authors and Editors access](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/598-non-administrator-edit-view).** * Added: A new Result Number field and `{sequence}` Merge Tag [learn all about it!](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/597-the-sequence-merge-tag) * Added: `{date_updated}` Merge Tag ([see all GravityView Merge Tags](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/76-merge-tags)) * Added: Option to output all CSV entries, instead of a single page of results * Fixed: Settings compatibility issues on Multisite * Fixed: CSV output for address fields contained Google Maps link * Fixed: When editing an entry in Gravity Forms, clicking the "Cancel" button would not exit edit mode * Fixed: Some fatal errors when Gravity Forms is deactivated while GravityView is active * Fixed: Search All Fields functionality with latest Gravity Forms __Developer Updates:__ * **Breaking Change:** Users without the `unfiltered_html` capability can no longer edit Views. * Added: `gravityview/security/allow_unfiltered_html` to not require `unfiltered_html`. Dangerous! * Added: `gravityview/template/field/address/csv/delimiter` filter for CSV output of addresses = 2.3.2 on May 3, 2019 = * Re-fixed: Conditional Logic breaks in Edit Entry if the condition field is not present __Developer Updates:__ * Fixed: `strtolower()` warnings in `class-frontend-views.php` * Fixed: `gravityview/fields/fileupload/link_atts` filter didn't work on link-wrapped images * Fixed: PHP notice triggered when using the Poll widget * Updated: Updater script, which should improve license check load time = 2.3.1 on April 18, 2019 = * Added: Entry Approval now features a popover that allows you to select from all approval statuses * Fixed: Issues accessing Edit Entry for Views using [Multiple Forms](https://gravityview.co/extensions/multiple-forms/) * Fixed: Issues with Edit Entry where fields were duplicated. This temporarily reverts the conditional logic fix added in 2.3. * Fixed: Maps will now properly use global API key settings on Multisite installations __Developer Updates:__ * Fixed: Issues searching Address fields that contain custom states * Added: `gravityview/approve_entries/popover_placement` filter to modify the placement of the approval popover (default: right) = 2.3 on April 2, 2019 = **Gravity Forms 2.3 is required**. Some functionality will not work if you are using Gravity Forms 2.2. If this affects you, please [let us know](mailto:support@gravityview.co?subject=Gravity%20Forms%202.3%20Requirement) * Added: Multi-Sorting! Example: Sort first by Last Name, then sort those results by First Name [Read more about multi-sorting](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/570-sorting-by-multiple-columns) - Works great with our [DataTables extension](https://gravityview.co/extensions/datatables/), too! * Added: `[gvlogic logged_in="true"]` support to easily check user login status - [read how it works](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/252-gvlogic-shortcode#logged-in-parameter) * Added: Dropdown, Radio and Link input support for searching product fields * Fixed: Conditional Logic breaks in Edit Entry if the condition field is not present * Fixed: Sorting numbers with decimals * Fixed: CSV output of List and File Upload fields * Fixed: "Hide empty fields" setting not working Product and Quantity fields * Fixed: Month and day reversed in multi-input date search fields * Fixed: Join issues with embedded Views when using [Multiple Forms](https://gravityview.co/extensions/multiple-forms/) * Fixed: Other Entries empty text override was not working * Updated: 100% translated for Dutch, German, and French __Developer Updates:__ * Added: `gravityview/search/created_by/text` filter to override dropdown and radio text in "created by" search UI * Added: `gravityview/approve_entries/after_submission` filter to prevent `is_approved` meta from being added automatically after entry creation * Modified: List and File Upload fields are now output as objects/arrays in REST API JSON * Modified: [Business Hours](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gravity-forms-business-hours/) field support in CSV and JSON output * Fixed: Fatal error when custom templates are loaded without `\GV\Template_Context` * Fixed: Potential PHP warning with PHP 7.2 * Added notice for users to upgrade to PHP 5.6, since WordPress will be bumping the minimum version soon = 2.2.5 on February 4, 2019 = * Added: Support for nested dropdown selection in Search Bar * Fixed: State search dropdown type for custom address types * Fixed: Don't show Credit Card fields on the Edit Entry screen (#1219) * REST API and CSV fixes * Fixed: Email field being output as links in CSV * Fixed: CSVs could not contain more than one special field (Entry ID, Custom Content, etc.) * Fixed: CSV and JSON REST API did not output duplicate headers (Entry ID, Custom Content, etc.) * Fixed: JSON REST API endpoint did not render Custom Content fields * Modified: In the REST API duplicate keys are now suffixed with (n), for example: id(1), id(2), instead of not showing them at all * Updated: Script used to provide built-in Support Port * Updated: Russian translation by [@awsswa59](https://www.transifex.com/user/profile/awsswa59/) __Developer Updates:__ * Added: `gravityview/edit_entry/before_update` hook * Added: `gravityview/api/field/key` filter to customize the generated REST API entry JSON keys * Added: `gravityview/template/csv/field/raw` filter to allow raw output of specific fields * Modified: CSV REST API endpoint returns binary data instead of JSON-encoded data = 2.2.4 on January 14, 2019 = * Fixed: Other Entries field would display all entries without filtering * Fixed: Entry Date searches not working (broken in 2.2) * Fixed: CSV outputting wrong date formats for Date and Date Created fields * Fixed: CSV outputting empty content for Custom Content fields * Fixed: Changelog formatting so that the 2.2.1, 2.2.2, and 2.2.3 updates are shown * Fixed: The picture of Floaty was _really big_ in the Getting Started screen * Updated Translations for Italian and Iranian. Thanks, Farhad! = 2.2.3 on December 20, 2018 = * Fixed: Issue loading translation files on Windows IIS servers __Developer Updates:__ * Added: Third argument to `gravityview_search_operator` filter (the current `\GV\View` object) * Added: `GravityView_Image::is_valid_extension()` to determine whether an extension is valid for an image * Fixed: Search operator overrides that broke in 2.2 * Modified: SVG files are now processed as images in GravityView * Modified: Changed translation file loading order to remove paths that didn't work! [See this article for the updated paths](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/530-translation-string-loading-order). = 2.2.2 on December 11, 2018 = * Added: Support for the new [Multiple Forms beta](https://gravityview.co/extensions/multiple-forms/)! * **Minor CSS Change**: Reduced Search Bar negative margins to fix the Search Bar not aligning properly * Fixed: Calculation fields that were not added to the Edit Entry fields were being emptied (except the price) * Updated translations - thank you, translators! - Turkish translated by [@suhakaralar](https://www.transifex.com/accounts/profile/suhakaralar/) - Russian translated by [@awsswa59](https://www.transifex.com/user/profile/awsswa59/) - Polish translated by [@dariusz.zielonka](https://www.transifex.com/user/profile/dariusz.zielonka/) __Developer Updates:__ * Template Change: Updated `widget-poll.php` template to display poll results for all Multiple Forms fields * Added: `gravityview/query/class` filter to allow query class overrides, needed for Multiple Forms extension * Added: `gravityview/approve_entries/autounapprove/status` filter to change the approval status set when an entry is modified in Edit Entry * Added: `$unions` property to `\GV\View`, for future use with [Multiple Forms plugin](https://gravityview.co/extensions/multiple-forms/) = 2.2.1 on December 4, 2018 = * Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 5.0 and the new Gutenberg editor ([use the shortcode block to embed](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/526-does-gravityview-support-gutenberg)) * Added: Support for upcoming [Multiple Forms plugin](https://gravityview.co/extensions/multiple-forms/) * Fixed: Edit Entry writes incorrectly-formatted empty values in some cases. * Fixed: "Hide View data until search is performed" not working for [Maps layout](https://gravityview.co/extensions/maps/) * Fixed: Entries are not accessible when linked to from second page of results * Fixed: Search redirects to home page when previewing an unpublished View __Developer Updates:__ * Fixed: Error loading GravityView when server has not defined `GLOB_BRACE` value for the `glob()` function * Added: `gravityview/entry/slug` filter to modify entry slug. It runs after the slug has been generated by `GravityView_API::get_entry_slug()` * Added: `\GV\Entry::is_multi()` method to check whether the request's entry is a `Multi_Entry` (contains data from multiple entries because of joins) = 2.2 on November 28, 2018 = * Yes, GravityView is fully compatible with Gravity Forms 2.4! * Added: Choose where users go after editing an entry * Added: Search entries by approval status with new "Approval Status" field in the Search Bar * Added: More search input types added for "Created By" searches * Added: When searching "Created By", set the input type to "text" to search by user email, login and name fields * Fixed: Issue installing plugins from the Extensions page on a Multisite network * Fixed: When a View is embedded on the homepage of a site, Single Entry and Edit Entry did not work (404 not found error) * Fixed: Stray "Advanced Custom Fields" editor at the bottom of Edit View pages * Fixed: Labels and quantities removed when editing an entry that had product calculations * Fixed: When multiple Views are embedded on a page, Single Entry could sometimes show "You are not allowed to view this content" * Fixed: Major search and filtering any/all mode combination issues, especially with "Show only approved entries" mode, A-Z Filters, Featured Entries, Advanced Filtering plugins * Fixed: Support all [documented date formats](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/115-changing-the-format-of-the-search-widgets-date-picker) in Search Bar date fields * Fixed: Issues with [Advanced Filtering](https://gravityview.co/extensions/advanced-filter/) date fields (including human strings, less than, greater than) * Fixed: Security issue when Advanced Filter was configured with an "Any form field" filter (single entries were not properly secured) * Fixed: The Quiz Letter Grade is lost if Edit Entry does not contain all Gravity Forms Quiz Add-On fields __Developer Updates:__ * Updated: `search-field-select.php` template to gracefully handle array values * Added: Filters for new "Created By" search. [Learn how to modify what fields are searched](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/523-created-by-text-search). = 2.1.1 on October 26, 2018 = * Added: A "Connected Views" menu on the Gravity Forms Forms page - hover over a form to see the new Connected Views menu! * Fixed: Additional slashes being added to the custom date format for Date fields * Fixed: Quiz Letter Grade not updated after editing an entry that has Gravity Forms Quiz fields * Fixed: Single Entry screen is inaccessible when the category is part of a URL path (using the `%category%` tag in the site's Permalinks settings) * Fixed: Issue where GravityView CSS isn't loading in the Dashboard for some customers * Fixed: Display uploaded files using Gravity Forms' secure link URL format, if enabled * Updated Polish translation. Dziękuję Ci, [@dariusz.zielonka](https://www.transifex.com/user/profile/dariusz.zielonka/)! __Developer Updates:__ * Added: `gravityview/template/table/use-legacy-style` filter to use the legacy Table layout stylesheet without any responsive layout styles (added in GravityView 2.1) - [Here's code you can use](https://gist.github.com/zackkatz/45d869e096cd5114a87952d292116d3f) * Added: `gravityview/view/can_render` filter to allow you to override whether a View can be rendered or not * Added: `gravityview/widgets/search/datepicker/format` filter to allow you to modify only the format used, rather than using the `gravityview_search_datepicker_class` filter * Fixed: Fixed an issue when using [custom entry slugs](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/57-customizing-urls) where non-unique values across forms cause the entries to not be accessible * Fixed: Undefined index PHP warning in the GravityView Extensions screen * Fixed: Removed internal usage of deprecated GravityView functions * Limitation: "Enable lightbox for images" will not work on images when using Gravity Forms secure URL format. [Contact support](mailto:support@gravityview.co) for a work-around, or use a [different lightbox script](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/277-using-the-foobox-lightbox-plugin-instead-of-the-default). = and on September 28, 2018 = * Fixed: Slashes being added to field quotes * Fixed: Images showing as links for File Upload fields = on September 27, 2018 = * Fixed: Responsive table layout labels showing sorting icon HTML * Fixed: Responsive table layout showing table footer = 2.1 on September 27, 2018 = * Added: You can now send email notifications when an entry is approved, disapproved, or the approval status has changed. [Learn how](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/488-notification-when-entry-approved) * Added: Automatically un-approve an entry when it has been updated by an user without the ability to moderate entries * Added: Easy way to install GravityView Extensions and our stand-alone plugins [Learn how](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/489-managing-extensions) * Added: Enable CSV output for Views [Learn how](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/491-csv-export) * Added: A "Page Size" widget allows users to change the number of entries per page * Added: Support for displaying a single input value of a Chained Select field * Added: The Table layout is now mobile-responsive! * Improved: Added a shortcut to reset entry approval on the front-end of a View: "Option + Click" on the Entry Approval field * Fixed: Custom date format not working with the `{date_created}` Merge Tag * Fixed: Embedding a View inside an embedded entry didn't work * Fixed: "Link to entry" setting not working for File Upload fields * Fixed: Approval Status field not showing anything * Updated translations - thank you, translators! - Polish translated by [@dariusz.zielonka](https://www.transifex.com/user/profile/dariusz.zielonka/) - Russian translated by [@awsswa59](https://www.transifex.com/user/profile/awsswa59/) - Turkish translated by [@suhakaralar](https://www.transifex.com/accounts/profile/suhakaralar/) - Chinese translated by [@michaeledi](https://www.transifex.com/user/profile/michaeledi/) __Developer Notes:__ * Added: Process shortcodes inside [gv_entry_link] shortcodes * Added: `gravityview/shortcodes/gv_entry_link/output` filter to modify output of the `[gv_entry_link]` shortcode * Added `gravityview/widget/page_size/settings` and `gravityview/widget/page_size/page_sizes` filters to modify new Page Size widget * Modified: Added `data-label` attributes to all Table layout cells to make responsive layout CSS-only * Modified: Added responsive CSS to the Table layout CSS ("table-view.css") * Improved: Reduced database lookups when using custom entry slugs * Introduced `\GV\View->can_render()` method to reduce code duplication * Fixed: Don't add `gvid` unless multiple Views embedded in a post * Fixed: PHP 5.3 warning in when using `array_combine()` on empty arrays * Fixed: Apply `addslashes` to View Configuration when saving, fixing `{date_created}` format * REST API: Allow setting parent post or page with the REST API request using `post_id={id}` ([learn more](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/468-rest-api)) * REST API: Added `X-Item-Total` header and meta to REST API response = on July 19, 2018 = * Fixed: Potential XSS ("Cross Site Scripting") security issue. **Please update.** * Fixed: GravityView styles weren't being loaded for some users = 2.0.14 on July 9, 2018 = * Added: Allow filtering entries by Unapproved status in Gravity Forms * Added: Reset entry approval status by holding down Option/Alt when clicking entry approval icon * Fixed: Merge Tags not working in field Custom Labels * Fixed: Enable sorting by approval status all the time, not just when a form has an Approval field * Fixed: When a View is saved without a connected form, don't show "no longer exists" message * Fixed: Inline Edit plugin not updating properly when GravityView is active __Developer Notes:__ * Added: `gravityview/approve_entries/after_submission/default_status` filter to modify the default status of an entry as it is created. * Modified: No longer delete `is_approved` entry meta when updating entry status - leave the value to be `GravityView_Entry_Approval_Status::UNAPPROVED` (3) * Fixed: Allow for "in" and "not_in" comparisons when using `GravityView_GFFormsModel::is_value_match` * Tweak: If "Search Mode" key is set, but there is no value, use "all" * Tweak: Reduced number of database queries when rendering a View = on June 26, 2018 = * Fixed: Custom Content fields not working with DIY Layout * Fixed: Error when displaying plugin updates on a single site of a Multisite installation = 2.0.13 on June 25, 2018 = * Fixed: When View is embedded in a page, the "Delete Entry" link redirects the user to the View URL instead of embedded page URL * Fixed: Custom Content fields not working with DIY Layout since 2.0.11 * Fixed: Fatal error when migrating settings from (very) old versions of GravityView * Fixed: oEmbed not working when using "plain" URLs with numeric View ID slugs __Developer Notes__ * Added: Code to expose Entry Notes globally, to fix conflict with DataTables (future DataTables update required) * Added: `data-viewid` attribute to the Search Bar form with the current View ID * Added: Current Post ID parameter to the `gravityview/edit-entry/publishing-action/after` action = 2.0.12 on June 12, 2018 = * Fixed: On the Plugins page, "Update now" not working for GravityView Premium Plugins, Views & Extensions * Fixed: Always show that plugin updates are available, even if a license is expired = 2.0.11 on June 12, 2018 = * Added: Search for fields by name when adding fields to your View configuration (it's really great!) * Fixed: GravityView license details not saving when the license was activated (only when the Update Settings button was clicked) * Fixed: Entry filtering for single entries * Fixed: Per-user language setting not being used in WordPress 4.7 or newer __Developer Notes__ * Added: `\GV\View::get_joins()` method to fetch array of `\GV\Joins` connected with a View * Added: `\GV\View::get_joined_forms()` method to get array of `\GV\GF_Forms` connected with a View = 2.0.10 on June 6, 2018 = * Fixed: Password-protected Views were showing "You are not allowed to view this content" instead of the password form * Fixed: When Map View is embedded, Search Bar pointed to View URL, not page URL = 2.0.9 on June 1, 2018 = * Added: Allow passing `{get}` Merge Tags to [gventry] and [gvfield] shortcodes * Fixed: Searching by entry creator using the Search Bar wasn't working * Fixed: Edit Entry showing "Invalid link" warnings when multiple Views are embedded on a page * Fixed: Issues with legacy template back-compatiblity (A-Z Filters) and newer API widgets (Maps) * Fixed: Translations for entry "meta", like "Created By" or "Date Created" * Fixed: When searching State/Province with the Search Bar, use "exact match" search __Developer Notes__ * Added: Auto-prefixing for all CSS rules, set to cover 99.7% of browsers. We were already prefixing, so it doesn't change much, but it will update automatically from now on, based on browser support. = on May 31, 2018 = * Fixed: Standalone map fields not displaying on the [Maps layout](https://gravityview.co/extensions/maps/) * Fixed: `[gv_entry_link]` when embedded in a post or page, not a View * Fixed: `[gv_entry_link]` returning a broken link when the entry isn't defined * Fixed: Conflict with Testimonials Widget plugin (and other plugins) loading outdated code * Fixed: PHP notice when displaying Gravity Flow "Workflow" field = 2.0.8 on May 25, 2018 = * Fixed: Table layout not using field Column Width settings * Fixed: With "Show Label" disabled, "Custom Label" setting is being displayed (if set) * Fixed: List Field columns were being shown as searchable in Search Bar * Fixed: Conflict with Gravity Forms Import Entries file upload process * Fixed: Empty searches could show results when "Hide View data until search is performed" is enabled * Fixed: When "Start Date" and "End Date" are the same day, results may not be accurate __Developer Updates__ * Fixed: `gv_value()` didn't have necessary View global data set for backward compatibility (`gv_value()` is now deprecated! Use `Use \GV\Field_Template::render()` instead.) = on May 24, 2018 = * Fixed: Merge Tags not being shown in Custom Content fields in Edit Entry * Fixed: "gvGlobals not defined" JavaScript error on Edit Entry screen affecting some themes * Fixed: Don't clear Search Bar configuration when switching View layouts = 2.0.7 on May 23, 2018 = * Fixed: Entry visibility when View is embedded * Fixed: Don't show widgets if we're oEmbedding an entry * Fixed: Don't apply "Hide Until Search" on entry pages * Fixed: "Hide View data until search is performed" not working for Views on embedded pages * Fixed: Restore Advanced Custom Fields plugin compatibility * Tweak: When activating a license, remove the notice immediately * Fixed: Maps API key settings resetting after 24 hours __Developer Updates__ * Changed: gravityview_get_context() now returns empty string if not GravityView post type = on May 21, 2018 = * Fixed: "Hide View data until search is performed" not working * Added: Support for SiteOrigin Page Builder and LiveMesh SiteOrigin Widgets * Fixed: Enfold Theme layout builder no longer rendering Views = 2.0.6 on May 17, 2018 = * Fixed: Conflicts with Yoast SEO & Jetpack plugins that prevent widgets from displaying * Fixed: Some fields display as HTML (fixes Gravity Flow Discussion field, for example) * Fixed: Some Merge Tag modifiers not working, such as `:url` for List fields * Fixed: Give Floaty a place to hang out on the GravityView Settings screen with new Gravity Forms CSS __Developer Updates__ * Fixed: Backward-compatibility for using global `$gravityview_view->_current_field` (don't use in new code!) = 2.0.5 on May 16, 2018 = * Fixed: Entry Link fields and `[gv_entry_link]` shortcode not working properly with DataTables when embedded * Fixed: Do not output other shortcodes in single entry mode * Fixed: Error when deleting an entry * Fixed: When multiple Views are embedded on a page, and one or more has Advanced Filters enabled, no entries will be displayed * Fixed: PHP warning with `[gravitypdf]` shortcode * Fixed: When multiple table layout Views are embedded on a page, there are multiple column sorting links displayed * Fixed: Error displaying message that a license is expired = 2.0.4 on May 12, 2018 = * Fixed: Slow front-end performance, affecting all layout types * Fixed: Search not performing properly * Fixed: "Enable sorting by column" option for Table layouts * GravityView will require Gravity Forms 2.3 in the future; please make sure you're using the latest version of Gravity Forms! __Developer Updates__ * Fixed: `GravityView_frontend::get_view_entries()` search generation * Fixed: `gravityview_get_template_settings()` not returning settings * Tweak: Cache View and Field magic getters into variables for less overhead. = 2.0.3 on May 10, 2018 = * Fixed: Compatibility with `[gravitypdf]` shortcode * Fixed: When using `[gravityview]` shortcode, the `page_size` setting wasn't being respected * Fixed: `[gravityview detail="last_entry" /]` not returning the correct entry * Fixed: Widgets not being properly rendered when using oEmbed * Fixed: Note fields not rendering properly __Developer Notes__ * Fixed: `GravityView_View::getInstance()` not returning information about a single entry * Added: `gravityview/shortcode/detail/$key` filter = 2.0.1 & 2.0.2 on May 9, 2018 = * Fixed: Widgets not displayed when a View is embedded * Fixed: Saving new settings can cause fatal error * Fixed: Prevent commonly-used front end function from creating an error in the Dashboard * Fixed: Hide labels if "Show Label" is not checked * Fixed: CSS borders on List layout * Fixed: Error when fetching GravityView Widget with DataTables Extension 2.2 * Fixed: Fail gracefully when GravityView Maps is installed on a server running PHP 5.2.4 = Version 2.0 on May 8, 2018 = We are proud to share this release with you: we have been working on this release since 2016, and although most of the changes won’t be seen, GravityView has a brand-new engine that will power the plugin into the future! �� \- Zack with GravityView --- **Note: GravityView now requires PHP 5.3 or newer** _This is a major release. Please back up your site before updating._ We have tested the plugin thoroughly, but we suggest backing up your site before updating all plugins. **New functionality** * `[gventry]`: embed entries in a post, page or a View ([learn more](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/462-gvfield-embed-gravity-forms-field-values)) * `[gvfield]`: embed single field values ([learn more](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/462-gvfield-embed-gravity-forms-field-values)) * [Many new Merge Tag modifiers](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/350-merge-tag-modifiers) - These enable powerful new abilities when using the Custom Content field! * Use oEmbed with Custom Content fields - easily embed YouTube videos, Tweets (and much more) on your Custom Content field * "Is Starred" field - display whether an entry is "Starred" in Gravity Forms or not, and star/unstar it from the front end of your site * Added Bosnian, Iranian, and Canadian French translations, updated many others (thank you all!) **Smaller changes** * Added `{gv_entry_link}` Merge Tag, alias of `[gv_entry_link]` shortcode in `{gv_entry_link:[post id]:[action]}` format. This allows you to use `{gv_entry_link}` inside HTML tags, where you are not able to use the `[gv_entry_link]` shortcode. * Default `[gvlogic]` comparison is now set to `isnot=""`; this way, you can just use `[gvlogic if="{example:1}"]` instead of `[gvlogic if="{example:1}" isnot=""]` to check if a field has a value. **Developer Updates** This release is the biggest ever for developers! Even so, we have taken great care to provide backward compatibility with GravityView 1.x. Other than increasing the minimum version of PHP to 5.3, **no breaking changes were made.** * We have rewritten the plugin from the ground up. [Learn all about it here](https://github.com/gravityview/GravityView/wiki/The-Future-of-GravityView). * New REST API! Fetch GravityView details and entries using the WordPress REST API endpoint. It's disabled by default, but can be enabled or disabled globally on GravityView Settings screen, or per-View in View Settings. [Learn about the endpoints](https://github.com/gravityview/GravityView/wiki/REST-API). * New `gravityview()` API wrapper function, now used for easy access to everything you could want * New template structure ([learn how to migrate your custom template files](https://github.com/gravityview/GravityView/wiki/Template-Migration)) * We have gotten rid of global state; actions and filters are now passed a `$context` argument, a [`\GV\Template_Context` object](https://github.com/gravityview/GravityView/blob/v2.0/future/includes/class-gv-context-template.php) * When HTML 5 is enabled in Gravity Forms, now the Search All field will use `type="search"` * _Countless_ new filters and actions! Additional documentation will be coming, both on [docs.gravityview.co](https://docs.gravityview.co) as well as [codex.gravityview.co](https://codex.gravityview.co). A special thanks to [Gennady](https://codeseekah.com) for your tireless pursuit of better code, insistence on backward compatibility, and your positive attitude. �� = 1.22.6 on April 4, 2018 = * Fixed: Line breaks being added to `[gvlogic]` shortcode output * Fixed: Gravity Forms 2.3 compatibility notice * Fixed: "The ID is required." message when configuring the GravityView Search WordPress widget * Fixed: Slashes were being added to Post Image details __Developer Updates:__ * Added `gravityview/edit_entry/reveal_hidden_field` filter, which allows you to prevent Hidden fields from becoming Text fields in Edit Entry context * Added `gravityview/edit_entry/field_visibility` filter to set field visibility on Edit Entry (default is always "visible") = 1.22.5 on January 25, 2018 = * Improves support for [DIY Layout](https://gravityview.co/extensions/diy-layout/), a layout for designers & developers to take full advantage of GravityView * Tweak: Show "Embed Shortcode" helper if a View has widgets configured but not Fields * Fixed: Add Note support for Gravity Forms 2.3 (it's coming soon) * Fixed: `tabindex` not properly set for Update/Cancel/Delete buttons in Edit Entry * Fixed: Hide Yoast SEO Content & SEO Analysis functionality when editing a View * Fixed: Line breaks were being added to Custom Content fields and widgets, even when "Automatically add paragraphs to content" wasn't checked __Developer Updates:__ * Add `$nl2br`, `$format`, `$aux_data` parameters to `GravityView_API::replace_variables()` to be consistent with `GFCommon::replace_variables()` = 1.22.4? = Yes, we skipped a minor release (1.22.4 exists only in our hearts). Thanks for noticing! = 1.22.3 on December 21, 2017 = * Added: Support for displaying files uploaded using the Gravity Forms Dropbox Addon (thanks, @mgratch and @ViewFromTheBox!) * Added: Merge Tags now are replaced when in `[gvlogic]` shortcodes not in a View * Fixed: Filtering by date in Advanced Filters prevented single entries from being visible * Fixed: `gravityview/capabilities/allow_logged_out` filter wasn't living up to its name (allowing logged-out visitors to edit entries) __Developer Updates:__ * Modified: We're reverting changes made to Advanced Custom Field plugin compatibility * Added: `gravityview/fields/fileupload/file_path` filter in `class-gravityview-field-fileupload.php` * Modified: Removed `!important` from the CSS height rule for the `.gv-notes .gv-note-add textarea` rule = 1.22.2 on December 7, 2017 = * Fixed: Fatal error when running Ultimate Member 2.0 beta * Fixed: Issue deleting entries when Advanced Filter rules don't match * Fixed: Delete Entry messages not displaying when entry is deleted * Fixed: ACF shortcodes in WYSIWYG fields no longer processed since 1.22.1 * Fixed: Fatal error when using old installations of Gravity Forms __Developer Updates:__ * Added: `gravityview/edit_entry/unset_hidden_field_values` filter to prevent deleting values for fields hidden by Conditional Logic = on November 30, 2017 = * Fixed: When displaying Email fields, PHP warning about `StandalonePHPEnkoder.php` = 1.22.1 on November 29, 2017 = * Moved "Custom Content" field to top of field picker, in what Rafael calls the "Best idea of 2017 �"" * Added: When Gravity Forms 2.3 is released, support for "Random" entry order will be enabled * Fixed: Entry oEmbeds not working when using "Plain" URL formats to embed * Fixed: Only published Views showing in Gravity Forms "Connected Views" menu * Fixed: Deleting entries can cause entries to be displayed from a different View when Advanced Filters is activated and multiple Views are embedded on a page * Fixed: Infinite loop when using `[gravityview]` shortcode inside ACF fields __Developer Updates:__ * Added: `GravityView_HTML_Elements` class for generating commonly-used HTML elements * Added: Way to disable front-end cookies for our friends in Europe ([see code here](https://gist.github.com/zackkatz/354a71dc47ffef072ed725706cf455ed)) * Added: `gravityview/metaboxes/data-source/before` and `gravityview/metaboxes/data-source/after` hooks * Added: Second `$args` param added to `gravityview_get_connected_views()` function * Modified: Pass fifth parameter `$input_type` to `GravityView_Template::assign_field_options` method = 1.22 on September 4, 2017= * Added: Support for Gravity Forms 2.3 * Fixed: Fatal error when Divi (and other Elegant Themes) try to load GravityView widgets while editing a post with a sidebar block in it—now the sidebar block will not be rendered * Fixed: Inline Edit plugin not working when displaying a single entry * Fixed: Featured Entries plugin not adding correct CSS selector to the single entry container __Developer Updates:__ * Modified: Template files `list-header.php`, `list-single.php`, `table-header.php`, `table-single.php` * Fixed: When `GRAVITYVIEW_LICENSE_KEY` constant is defined, it will always be used, and the license field will be disabled * Fixed: List View and Table View templates have more standardized CSS selectors for single & multiple contexts ([Learn more](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/63-css-guide)) * Fixed: Permalink issue when embedding a View on a page, then making it the site's Front Page * Fixed: Transient cache issues when invalidating cache * Fixed: `gv_empty()` now returns false for an array with all empty values * Fixed: Delay plugin compatibility checks until `plugins_loaded` = on July 24, 2017 = * Fixed: For some field types, the value "No" would be interpreted as `false` * Fixed: In Edit Entry, when editing a form that has a Post Custom Field field type—configured as checkboxes—file upload fields would not be saved * Fixed: If a form connected to a View is in the trash, there will be an error when editing the View * Fixed: Embedding single entries with WordPress 4.8 * Fixed: Fatal error when using older version of WPML = on June 26, 2017 = * Tweak: Improved plugin speed by reducing amount of information logged * Fixed: Duplicate descriptions on the settings screen * Fixed: Our "No-Conflict Mode" made the settings screen look bad. Yes, we recognize the irony. * Updated: Translations - thank you, translators! - Turkish translation by [@suhakaralar](https://www.transifex.com/accounts/profile/suhakaralar/) - Dutch translations by Thom = on June 13, 2017 = * Modified: We stopped allowing any HTML in Paragraph Text fields in 1.21.5, but this functionality was used by lots of people. We now use a different function to allow safe HTML by default. * Added: `gravityview/fields/textarea/allowed_kses` filter to modify the allowed HTML to be displayed. = 1.21.5 on June 8, 2017 = * Added: The `{current_post}` Merge Tag adds information about the current post. [Read more about it](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/412-currentpost-merge-tag). * Added: `gravityview/gvlogic/parse_atts/after` action to modify `[gvlogic]` shortcode attributes after it's been parsed * Added: A new setting to opt-in for access to the latest pre-release versions of GravityView (in Views > Settings) * Added: Support for Restrict Content Pro when in "No-Conflict Mode" * Fixed: Saving an entry could strip the entry creator information. Now, when the entry creator is not in the "Change Entry Creator" users list, we add them back in to the list. * Fixed: Potential security issue * Fixed: Multiple notifications could sometimes be sent when editing an entry in GravityView. * Fixed: Gravity Forms tooltip scripts being loaded admin-wide. * Updated: Dutch translations (thanks, Thom!) = 1.21.4 on April 13, 2017 = * Fixed: "Enable sorting by column" not visible when using table-based View Presets * Fixed: Error activating the plugin when Gravity Forms is not active * Fixed: Numeric sorting * Fixed: Compatibility issue with WPML 3.6.1 and lower * Tweak: When using `?cache` to disable entries caching, cached data is removed = 1.21.3 on April 4, 2017 = * Fixed: Post Images stopped working in Edit Entry * Fixed: Conflict with our Social Sharing & SEO Extension * Fixed: Unable to search for a value of `0` * Fixed: Inaccurate search results when using the `search_field` and `search_value` settings in the `[gravityview]` shortcode - The search mode will now always be set to `all` when using these settings __Developer Updates:__ * We decided to not throw exceptions in the new `gravityview()` wrapper function. Instead, we will log errors via Gravity Forms logging. = 1.21.2 on March 31, 2017 = * Added: Support for embedding `[gravityview]` shortcodes in Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) fields * Fixed: PHP warnings and notices = 1.21.1 on March 30, 2017 = * Fixed: Advanced Filters no longer filtered �� * Fixed: Fatal error when viewing Single Entry with a Single Entry Title setting that included Merge Tags * Fixed: Cache wasn't cleared when an entry was created using Gravity Forms API (thanks Steve with Gravity Flow!) = 1.21 on March 29, 2017 = * Fixed: Edit Entry compatibility with Gravity Forms 2.2 * Fixed: Single Entry not accessible when filtering a View by Gravity Flow's "Final Status" field * Fixed: Needed to re-save permalink settings for Single Entry and Edit Entry to work * Fixed: Incorrect pagination calculations when passing `offset` via the `[gravityview]` shortcode __Developer Updates:__ * Modified: `GVCommon::check_entry_display()` now returns WP_Error instead of `false` when an error occurs. This allows for additional information to be passed. * Added: `gravityview/search-all-split-words` filter to change search behavior for the "Search All" search input. Default (`true`) converts words separated by spaces into separate search terms. `false` will search whole word. * Much progress has been made on the `gravityview()` wrapper function behind the scenes. Getting closer to parity all the time. = 1.20.1 on March 1, 2017 = * Added: Support for comma-separated email addresses when adding a note and using "Other email address" * Fixed: Edit Entry issue with File Uploads not saving properly * Fixed: Support for `offset` attribute in the `[gravityview]` shortcode * Updated: Auto-upgrade script = 1.20 on February 24, 2017 = * Added: Product Fields are now editable - Quantity, - Product fields are hidden if the entry contains external transaction data - Support for Coupon Addon * Fixed: Single Entry not accessible when filtering by a Checkbox field in the Advanced Filters Extension * Fixed: WPML links to Single Entry not working if using directory or sub-domain URL formats * Fixed: Product field prices not always formatted as a currency * Fixed: Product fields sometimes appeared twice in the Add Field field picker * Fixed: PHP warning when updating entries. Thanks for reporting, Werner! * Modified: Don't show CAPTCHA fields in Edit Entry * Fixed: "Trying to get property of non-object" bug when updating an entry connected to Gravity Forms User Registration * Fixed: Yoast SEO scripts and styles not loading properly on Edit View screen * Updated: Minimum version of Gravity Forms User Registration updated to 3.2 __Developer Notes:__ * Added: `GVCommon::entry_has_transaction_data()` to check whether entry array contains payment gateway transaction information * Added: `gravityview/edit_entry/hide-coupon-fields` to modify whether to hide Coupon fields in Edit Entry (default: `false`) * Added: `GravityView_frontend::get_view_entries_parameters()` method to get the final entry search parameters for a View without fetching the entries as well * Added: `GVCommon::get_product_field_types()` to fetch Gravity Forms product field types array * Added: `gravityview/edit_entry/field_blacklist` filter to modify what field types should not be shown in Edit Entry * Added: `GravityView_Plugin_Hooks_Gravity_Forms_Coupon` class * Added: Third `GravityView_Edit_Entry_Render` parameter to `gravityview/edit_entry/field_value`, `gravityview/edit_entry/field_value_{field_type}` filters and `gravityview/edit_entry/after_update` action * Updated: `list-body.php` and `list-single.php` template files to prevent empty `
` from rendering (and looking bad) when there are no fields configured for the zones * Updated: `fields/product.php` template file * Updated: Flexibility library for IE CSS flexbox support * Modified: `gravityview/edit_entry/hide-product-fields` default will now be determined by whether entry has gateway transaction information * Modified: Only print errors when running the unit tests if the `--debug` setting is defined, like `phpunit --debug --verbose` * Modified: If overriding `get_field_input()` using `GravityView_Field`, returning empty value will now result in the default `GF_Field` input being used * Modified: GravityView_Edit_Entry_User_Registration::restore_display_name() now returns a value instead of void * Tweak: Edit Entry links no longer require `page=gf_entries&view=entry` at the end of the URL (in case you noticed) = 1.19.4 on January 19, 2017 = * **GravityView requirements will soon be updated**: Gravity Forms Version 2.0+, PHP 5.3+ * Updated: GravityView now requires WordPress 4.0 or newer * Fixed: Search Bar search not working for states in the United States * Fixed: WPML conflict where Single Entry or Edit Entry screens are inaccessible * Fixed: Prevent PHP error when displaying GravityView using `get_gravityview()` * Updated translations: - �� Danish *100% translated*d* - �� Norwegian *100% translated*d* - �� Swedish translation updateded __Developer Notes: __ * New: We're starting the migration to a new wrapper API that will awesome. We will be rolling out new functionality and documentation over time. For now, we are just using it to load the plugin. [Very exciting time](https://i.imgur.com/xmkONOD.gif)! * Fixed: Issue fetching image sizes when using `GravityView_Image` class and fetching from a site with invalid SSL cert. * Added: `gravityview_directory_link` to modify the URL to the View directory context (in `GravityView_API::directory_link()`) = 1.19.3 on January 9, 2017 = First update of 2017! We've got great things planned for GravityView and our Extensions. As always, [contact us](mailto:support@gravityview.co) with any questions or feedback. We don't bite! * Fixed: List field inputs not loading in Edit Entry when values were empty or the field was hidden initially because of Conditional Logic * Fixed: Prevent Approve Entry and Delete Entry fields from being added to Edit Entry field configuration * Fixed: Don't render Views outside "the loop", prevents conflicts with other plugins that run `the_content` filter outside normal places * Fixed: Only display "You have attempted to view an entry that is not visible or may not exist." warning once when multiple Views are embedded on a page * Fixed: The `[gravityview]` shortcode would not be parsed properly due to HTML encoding when using certain page builders, including OptimizePress * Fixed: Potential errors when non-standard form fields are added to Edit Entry configurations ("Creating default object from empty value" and "Cannot use object of type stdClass as array") * Updated translations: - �� Chinese *100% translated* (thank you, Michael Edi!)!) - �� French *100% translated*d* - �� Brazilian Portuguese *100% translated* (thanks, Rafael!)!) - �� Dutch translation updated (thank you, Erik van Beek!)!) - �� Swedish translation updateded - Updated Spanish (Spain + Mexican) and German (`de` + `de_DE`) with each other __Developer Notes:__ * `GVCommon::get_form_from_entry_id()` now correctly fetches forms with any status * Moved `GravityView_Support_Port::get_related_plugins_and_extensions()` to `GV_License_Handler` class * Updated the `install.sh` bash script - The 6th parameter now prevents database creation, and the 7th is the Gravity Forms source file - Script no longer breaks if there is a space in a directory name - `/tmp/` is no longer created in the GravityView directory; it's installed in the server's `/tmp/` directory * Fixed Travis CI integration = 1.19.2 on December 21, 2016 = * Added: Search Bar now supports displaying State and Country fields as Select, List, or Radio input types (before, only text fields) * Fixed: Single entries not accessible when a View has filters based on Gravity Forms "Advanced" fields like Address and Name * Added: There is now a warning when a View tab has not been configured. The question "Why aren't my entries showing up?" is often due to a lack of configuration. * Added: Notice for future PHP requirements. * Reminder: GravityView will soon require PHP 5.3. 97.6% of sites are already compatible. * Fixed: Conflict with another plugin that prevented the Field Settings from being reachable in the Edit View screen * Fixed: GravityView widgets repeating twice for some customers __Developer Notes:__ * Added: `GravityView_View::getContextFields()` method allows fetching the fields configured for each View context (`directory`, `single`, `edit`) * Modified: `templates/list-body.php` and `templates/list-single.php` to add a check for context fields before rendering * Added: `$field_id` as fourth argument passed to `gravityview/extension/search/input_type` filter * Added: Added `$cap` and `$object_id` parameters to `GVCommon::generate_notice()` to be able to check caps before displaying a notice = 1.19.1 on November 15, 2016 = * Fixed: When creating a new View, the "form doesn't exist" warning would display = 1.19 on November 14, 2016 = * New: __Front-end entry moderation__! You can now approve and disapprove entries from the front of a View - [learn how to use front-end entry approval](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/390-entry-approval) - Add entry moderation to your View with the new "Approve Entries" field - Displaying the current approval status by using the new "Approval Status" field - Views have a new "Show all entries to administrators" setting. This allows administrators to see entries with any approval status. [Learn how to use this new setting](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/390-entry-approval#clarify-step-16) * Fixed: Approval values not updating properly when using the "Approve/Reject" and "User Opt-In" fields * Tweak: Show inactive forms in the Data Source form dropdown * Tweak: If a View is connected to a form that is in the trash or does not exist, an error message is now shown * Tweak: Don't show "Lost in space?" message when searching existing Views * Added: New Russian translation - thank you, [George Kovalev](https://www.transifex.com/user/profile/gkovaleff/)! - Updated: Spanish translation (thanks [@matrixmercury](https://www.transifex.com/user/profile/matrixmercury/)) __Developer Notes:__ * Added: `field-approval.css` CSS file. [Learn how to override the design here](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/388-front-end-approval-css). * Modified: Removed the bottom border on the "No Results" text (`.gv-no-results` CSS selector) * Fixed: Deprecated `get_bloginfo()` usage = 1.18.1 on November 3, 2016 = * Updated: 100% Chinese translation—thank you [Michael Edi](https://www.transifex.com/user/profile/michaeledi/)! * Fixed: Entry approval not working when using [custom entry slugs](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/57-customizing-urls) * Fixed: `Undefined index: is_active` warning is shown when editing entries with User Registration Addon active * Fixed: Strip extra whitespace in Entry Note field templates = 1.18 on October 11, 2016 = * Updated minimum requirements: WordPress 3.5, Gravity Forms 1.9.14 * Modified: Entries that are unapproved (not approved or disapproved) are shown as yellow circles * Added: Shortcut to create a View for an existing form * Added: Entry Note emails now have a message "This note was sent from {url}" to provide context for the note recipient * Fixed: Edit Entry did not save other field values when Post fields were in the Edit Entry form * Fixed: When using "Start Fresh" View presets, form fields were not being added to the "Add Field" field picker * Fixed: Hidden visible inputs were showing in the "Add Field" picker (for example, the "Middle Name" input was hidden in the Name field, but showing as an option) * Fixed: Fatal error when editing Post Content and Post Image fields * Fixed: Lightbox images not loading * Fixed: Lightbox loading indicator displaying below the overlay * Fixed: "New form created" message was not shown when saving a draft using a "Start Fresh" View preset * Gravity Forms User Registration Addon changes: * Gravity Forms User Registration 2.0 is no longer supported * Fixed Processing "Update User" feeds * Fixed: Inactive User Registration feeds were being processed * Fixed: User Registration "Update User" feeds were being processed, even if the Update Conditions weren't met * Fixed: Unable to use `gravityview/edit_entry/user_registration/trigger_update` filter * Fixed: Prevent negative entry counts when approving and disapproving entries * Fixed: PHP notice when WooCommerce Memberships is active * Tweak: Entry Note emails now have paragraphs automatically added to them * Tweak: When the global "Show Support Port" setting is "Hide", always hide; if set to "Show", respect each user's Support Port display preference * Updated: Complete German translation—thank you [hubert123456](https://www.transifex.com/user/profile/hubert123456/)! __Developer Notes__ * Migrated `is_approved` entry meta values; statuses are now managed by the `GravityView_Entry_Approval_Status` class - "Approved" => `1`, use `GravityView_Entry_Approval_Status::APPROVED` constant - "0" => `2`, use `GravityView_Entry_Approval_Status::DISAPPROVED` constant - Use `$new_value = GravityView_Entry_Approval_Status::maybe_convert_status( $old_value )` to reliably translate meta values * Added: `GVCommon::get_entry_id()` method to get the entry ID from a slug or ID * Added: `gravityview_go_back_url` filter to modify the link URL used for the single entry back-link in `gravityview_back_link()` function * Added: `gravityview/field/notes/wpautop_email` filter to disable `wpautop()` on Entry Note emails * Added: `$email_footer` to the `gravityview/field/notes/email_content` filter content * Modified: `note-add-note.php` template: added `current-url` hidden field * Modified: `list-single.php` template file: added `.gv-grid-col-1-3` CSS class to the `.gv-list-view-content-image` container * Fixed: Mask the Entry ID in the link to lightbox files = 1.17.4 on September 7, 2016 = * Added: Support for editing [Gravity Perks Unique ID](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gp-unique-id/) fields * Fixed: Issue searching and sorting fields with multiple inputs (like names) * Fixed: Restore Gravity Forms Quiz Addon details in the field picker __Developer Notes__ * Added: `gravityview_get_directory_widgets()`, `gravityview_set_directory_widgets()` wrapper functions to get and set View widget configurations * Added: Second `$apply_filter` parameter to `GVCommon::get_directory_fields()` function to set whether or not to apply the `gravityview/configuration/fields` filter = 1.17.3 on August 31, 2016 = * Added: Search Bar support for Gravity Forms Survey fields: filter by survey responses * Added: Search Bar support for Gravity Flow: search entries by the current Step, Step Status, or Workflow Status * Added: `[gvlogic]` and other shortcodes now can be used inside Email field settings content * Added: Support for embedding Views in the front page of a site; the [GravityView - Allow Front Page Views plugin](https://github.com/gravityview/gravityview-front-page-views) is no longer required * Tweak: In Edit View, holding down the option (or alt) key while switching forms allows you to change forms without resetting field configurations - this is useful if you want to switch between duplicate forms * Fixed: Restored correct Gravity Flow status and workflow values * Fixed: Conflict when editing an entry in Gravity Flow * Fixed: Tooltip title text of the field and widget "gear" icon * Changed the plugin author from "Katz Web Services, Inc." to "GravityView" - it seemed like it was time! __Developer Notes__ * Modified: `gravityview_get_forms()` function and `GVCommon::get_forms()` method to be compatible with `GFAPI::get_forms()`. Now accepts `$active` and `$trash` arguments, as well as returning all form data (not just `id` and `title` keys) * Modified: `template/fields/post_image.php` file to use `gravityview_get_link()` to generate the anchor link * Modified: `rel="noopener noreferrer"` now added to all links generated using `gravityview_get_link()` with `target="_blank"`. This fixes a generic security issue (not specific to GravityView) when displaying links to submitted websites and "Open link in new window" is checked - [read more about it here](https://dev.to/ben/the-targetblank-vulnerability-by-example) * Modified: Don't convert underscores to periods if not numeric in `GravityView_Widget_Search::prepare_field_filter()` - this fixes searching entry meta * Modified: Added third `gravityview_search_field_label` parameter: `$field` - it's the field configuration array passed by the Search Bar * Modified: HTML tags are now stripped from Email field body and subject content * Modified: Moved `GravityView_Admin_View_Item`, `GravityView_Admin_View_Field`, and `GravityView_Admin_View_Widget` to their own files * Added: Deprecation notices for methods that haven't been used since Version 1.2! = 1.17.2 on August 9, 2016 = * Fixed: "Start Fresh" fails when there are no pre-existing forms in Gravity Forms * Fixed: Edit Entry not saving values for fields that were initially hidden * Added: Support for embedding Views in Ultimate Member profile tabs * Fixed: File Upload fields potentially displaying PHP warnings * Fixed: Check plugin and theme existence before loading hooks * Fixed: "Hide empty fields" not working when "Make Phone Number Clickable" is checked for Phone fields * Fixed: Potential PHP warning when adding Password fields in Edit View * Fixed: Dutch (Netherlands) `nl_NL` translation file fixed * Fixed: Divi theme shortcode buttons and modal form added to Edit View screen * Fixed: Possible for Approve Entries checkbox to use the wrong Form ID * Fixed: Search issues with special characters - Searches that contained ampersands `&` were not working - Searches containing plus signs `+` were not working - The "Select" Search Bar input type would not show the active search if search term contained an `&` * Fixed: Multisite issue: when Users are logged-in but not added to any sites, they aren't able to see View content * Fixed: Never show GravityView Toolbar menu to users who aren't able to edit Views, Forms, or Entries * Fixed: Allow passing `post_id` in `[gravityview]` shortcode * Tweak: Use system fonts instead of Open Sans in the admin * Modified: The default setting for "No-Conflict Mode" is now "On". GravityView _should look good_ on your site! * Updated translations (thank you!) - Turkish translation by Süha Karalar - Chinese translation by Michael Edi __Developer Notes:__ * Added: `gravityview_view_saved` action, triggered after a View has been saved in the admin * Modified: Changed the Phone field template to use `gravityview_get_link()` to generate the anchor tag * Added: `gravityview/common/get_entry_id_from_slug/form_id` filter to modify the form ID used to generate entry slugs, in order to avoid hash collisions with data from other forms = 1.17.1 on June 27 = * Fixed: Entry approval with Gravity Forms 2.0 * Added: Approved/Disapproved filters to Gravity Forms "Entries" page * Fixed: Bulk Approve/Disapprove * Fixed: Approve column and Bulk Actions not visible on Gravity Forms Entries page * Tweak: Improved speed of approving/disapproving entries * Fixed: "Reply To" reference fixed in `GVCommon::send_email()` function * Added: Improved logging for creation of Custom Slug hash ids * Translations updated: - Updated Chinese translation by [@michaeledi](https://www.transifex.com/user/profile/michaeledi/) - Updated Persian translation by [@azadmojtaba](https://www.transifex.com/user/profile/azadmojtaba/) = 1.17 on June 14 = * Fully compatible with Gravity Forms 2.0 * Added: Entry Notes field - Add and delete Entry Notes from the frontend - Allows users to email Notes when they are added - Display notes to logged-out users - New [user capabilities](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/311-gravityview-capabilities) to limit access (`gravityview_add_entry_notes`, `gravityview_view_entry_notes`, `gravityview_delete_entry_notes`, `gravityview_email_entry_notes`) * Added: Merge Tag modifiers - now set a maximum length of content, and automatically add paragraphs to Merge Tags. [Read how to use the new Merge Tag modifiers](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/350-merge-tag-modifiers). - `:maxwords:{number}` - Limit output to a set number of words - `:wpautop` - Automatically add line breaks and paragraphs to content - `:timestamp` - Convert dates into timestamp values * Modified: Major changes to the Search Bar design * Added: Field setting to display the input value, label, or check mark, depending on field type. Currently supported: Checkbox, Radio, Drop Down fields. * Added: RTL ("right to left") language support in default and List template styles (Added: `gv-default-styles-rtl.css` and `list-view-rtl.css` stylesheets) * Added: Option to make Phone numbers click-to-call * Added: GravityView parent menu to Toolbar; now you can edit the form connected to a View directly from the View * Changed: Don't show Edit View in the Admin Bar; it's now under the GravityView parent menu * Fixed: Don't remove Edit Post/Page admin bar menu item * Added: Support for [Gravity Flow](https://gravityflow.io) "Workflow Step" and Workflow "Final Status" fields * Added: Support for Password fields. You probably shouldn't display them (in most cases!) but now you *can* * Modified: When deleting/trashing entries with GravityView, the connected posts created by Gravity Forms will now also be deleted/trashed * Edit Entry improvements * Added: Edit Entry now fully supports [Gravity Forms Content Templates](https://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/article/create-content-template/) * Fixed: Edit Entry didn't pre-populate List inputs if they were part of a Post Custom Field field type * Fixed: Updating Post Image fields in Edit Entry when the field is not set to "Featured Image" in Gravity Forms * Fixed: "Rank" and "Ratings" Survey Field types not being displayed properly in Edit Entry * Fixed: Signature field not displaying existing signatures in Edit Entry * Fixed: Post Category fields will now update to show the Post's current categories * Fixed: Allow multiple Post Category fields in Edit Entry * Fixed: PHP warning caused when a form had "Anti-spam honeypot" enabled * Fixed: When inserting a GravityView shortcode using the "Add View" button, the form would flow over the window * Fixed: [Church Themes](https://churchthemes.com) theme compatibility * Fixed: Inactive and expired licenses were being shown the wrong error message * Fixed: Moving domains would prevent GravityView from updating * Fixed: When using the User Opt-in field together with the View setting "Show Only Approved Entries", entries weren't showing * Fixed: If a label is set for Search Bar "Link" fields, use the label. Otherwise, "Show only:" will be used * Fixed: Showing the first column of a List field was displaying all the field's columns * Translations: New Persian translation by [@azadmojtaba](https://www.transifex.com/user/profile/azadmojtaba/) (thank you!) __Developer Notes__ * Templates changed: * `list-single.php` and `list-body.php`: changed `#gv_list_{entry_id}` to `#gv_list_{entry slug}`. If using custom entry slugs, the ID attribute will change. Otherwise, no change. * `list-body.php`: Removed `id` attribute from entry title `

` * Added: Override GravityView CSS files by copying them to a template's `/gravityview/css/` sub-directory * Added: `gravityview_css_url()` function to check for overriding CSS files in templates * Added: `gravityview_use_legacy_search_style` filter; return `true` to use previous Search Bar stylesheet * Major CSS changes for the Search Bar. - Search inputs `
`s now have additional CSS classes based on the input type: `.gv-search-field-{input_type}` where `{input_type}` is: `search_all` (search everything text box), `link`, `date`, `checkbox` (list of checkboxes), `single_checkbox`, `text`, `radio`, `select`, `multiselect`, `date_range`, `entry_id`, `entry_date` - Added `gv-search-date-range` CSS class to containers that have date ranges - Moved `gv-search-box-links` CSS class from the `

` to the `

` container - Fixed: `