Jan 20, 2022 - Version 1.7.2 - Added: Compatibility with latest version of Super Forms Nov 25, 2021 - Version 1.7.1 - Fix: when no background image is set, try not to load it via styles to avoid unnecessary requests Oct 15, 2021 - Version 1.7.0 - Compatibility with Super Forms v5.0.0 Sep 08, 2020 - Version 1.5.7 - Fix: Sticky popup setting not working Aug 27, 2020 - Version 1.5.6 - Added: Prefix `super` to `close` classname for zero conflict policy Aug 05, 2020 - Version 1.5.5 - Fix: Compatibility with latest Super Forms version May 13, 2020 - Version 1.5.4 - Update: hooks from main plugin Apr 22, 2020 - Version 1.5.3 - Fix: JavaScript error Mar 07, 2020 - Version 1.5.2 - Updated: GSAP to v3.2.4 (solves conflict with Avada theme) Jan 20, 2020 - Version 1.5.1 - Fix: JavaScript error `TypeError: $form.parents is not a function` when using Multi-part inside popup Jan 07, 2020 - Version 1.5.0 - Replaced deprecated function with new one - Improved: Possibility to activate other popup from within another popup Jun 14, 2019 - Version 1.4.1 - Compliance: Working towards Envato WordPress Requirements Badge/Compliance - Passed all JavaScript files through `JShint` excluding third party libraries - Escaping all Translatable strings Apr 22, 2019 - Version 1.4.0 - Compatibility with latest Super Forms - Improved: Update functionality - Add-on now included in the `Super Forms - All In One Bundle` package :) Apr 15, 2019 - Version 1.3.4 - Improved: Upon closing popup remove success/error messages - Fix: Fontawesome 5 support Apr 04, 2018 - Version 1.3.2 - Added: Possibility to allow float values for "Expiration time in days" this way you can set expiration in seconds/minutes/hours :+1: - Improved: Animations and responsiveness/positioning - Fix: Responsiveness not correct after removing "overflow:hidden" style from wrapper element to allow overlapping content - Fix: Removed some PHP warnings regarding unset settings Feb 15, 2018 - Version 1.3.1 - Fix: Allow settings to be empty for new Super Forms versions (values that can be left empty must not be overwritten by default value) Jan 31, 2017 - Version 1.3.0 - Fix: Replaced andSelf() by addBack() which should be used with jQuery 1.8 and later. - Fix: Check if variable is string before using parseJSON() Nov 16, 2017 - Version 1.2.1 - Fix: Issue with z-index when reCAPTCHA is being used and user must do a puzzle Mar 06, 2017 - Version 1.2.0 - only show settings on form builder page - use overflow-y: auto on popup content Feb 03, 2017 - Version 1.1.0 - Fix: Popup overlay being above datepicker and timepicker - Fix: Popup closes when date or time is selected/clicked Dec 23, 2016 - Version 1.0.0 - Initial release!